How I found the Swell app and how I want to use it...

Hi. This is Lindsey Allison. I am a holistic practitioner, an earth energy activator, and an elemental alchemist. And I just discovered swell from one of my very good friends, Derek Pierre, who's been both a client and a collaborator. And I'm so grateful to him for showing me swell and giving me my first experience with it

#s21nbpv2p6 #WelcomePrompts #TellYourStory @arish

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:34
Hey, welcome to Swell. It's so wonderful that you took the recommendation and hopped on. I really like Derek Pierre's stuff on here, so it's great to have more people in your circle join. You all seem like a great bunch, so, yeah, I'm excited to hear more about the work that you do. It sounds really interesting and, like, nothing that I've heard before. So I'm definitely intrigued and interested in learning more
Lindsey Allison
@LindseyAllisonG · 2:44


So I'm definitely really big on sharing the ancient wisdom and aligning with it and helping clients align with it so that they can be in flow in their lives and really have an understanding of how creation works and so that they can harness those powers for themselves. So I'm excited to share more and I'm really grateful to hear from somebody on here. I'm excited to listen more and get to know you and others on the app