What Makes a Villain?

It's honoring a code or it's not respecting a code, or it's just like it's just being able to just do things that no one else could ever dream of doing or things that people just don't have the coughings to do. So again, we go back to audacity. So that's my answer. What makes of villain. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Check us out at legacy. C-O-M ix.com. Until next time

Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses what makes a villain :) #marvelcomics #marvel #comics #spiderman #avengers


Often the response would be a scoffing, a laughing, a dismissiveness. And I took it very personally. And yet then as soon as that happened, there was this sick fascination of waiting and listening to the conversation for about 38 to 40 minutes. No lie, almost to the minute. And then at that point, I would start to hear pieces of what I had said popping up out of the voices of different people in the conversation
Patrick Hickey Jr.
@LegacyComix · 0:18


Yeah. Don't ever apologize for thinking about things that I said. Thank you very much. Totally made my day. So I just started doing this stuff today, so I didn't know that I was going to get replies like this. So yeah. Thank you very much. You're awesome
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


Well, welcome to Soil. And may there be many more responses like that and more great conversations
Wayne Aina
@Gamer_Dude124 · 2:43


So my reasoning about villains, like, the point for the word, I guess, is motivation. They're motivated. Every villain has a backstory. Every superhero has a backstory of why they do what they do. But every superhero could have been a villain. Spiderman, Superman. Every one of them could have been a villain because of their backstory. Every villain has a backstory as well. Like, Spiderman could have been a bad guy, used his powers for for evil because his uncle died