Estate Planning

But the healthcare documents in general give someone you trust to make health care decisions for you when you're in the hospital and incapacitated. So they know what you want done and how you want it done and they can make those decisions for you. The fourth document that we do, and I said this before, that we don't like a will, but we do what is called a pour over will

#estateplanning #business #legacy

Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 0:30
Hey, I just want to thank you because I know really nothing essentially about this topic, and this was very, very informative. And it feels great to have a place to go to, to refresh my memory. So I'm going to bookmark this because I know it will be useful to me in the future. And I don't know where else to get such clear cut, easy to understand explanations for this stuff. So thank you, sir, much