Helene Hatch
@Layknee · 3:16

Poem: "Just to be Considered Human" by Helene A. Hatch

If I walk, I must walk straighter with my head held higher. If I work I must work twice as hard so that you don't think I'm lazy just to be considered human if I am sorrowful I cannot weep with abandonment lest you say I'm not strong and if I'm gleeful I must not show my enjoyment lest you think me too brash or uncouth or ghetto just to be considered human If I hurt, I must act as though I'm not

#poetry #voiceacting #voiceactor

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:39
Wow. Yeah. I love this. It was super, super powerful. I loved the structure of it. And your performance of it, I mean, is crazy. I love it. It was super powerful with your voice