Is Podcasting Worth It?

I know maybe that sounds silly, but it's something I've wanted to do for a while and I just always come back to the same place, which is like, everyone makes podcasts now. Everybody. And I'm sort of a brat. I want mine to be special and if I start a podcast and it's not super special or super interesting to folks and I'm going to feel like I'm just copycatting or not really. I don't know

#podcasting #podcast #influencer #sahm #monetize #newb

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:01
But also, it can be like, I got a lot of times on my hand, right? I'm talking to doing things around the house. I'm talking to my baby. And it's kind of like, what do I do? But some stay at home mom. It's kind of like, what do you do? How do you break up the routine? What do you find interesting? How do you do?
Everything that we put out there is different. And you just have to look at yourself and figure out what it is that you want to talk about. Your niche needs to be something that you're passionate about. Just like as if you had a business, your niche would be something that you cared about, and then you see how people respond to it. If people are listening to it, then you continue doing that. If your passion happens to change, then you change
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:30
If you are seeking perfection and to be a unique snowflake, you already are talking yourself out of the podcast already. Your foot is already out the door. But if you don't give a f*** about any of that s***, and you just want to talk your s*** regardless, yes, it's worth it. But if you want to be unique and special, you might as well just stay playing with your dog. Then your dog sees you that way
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 3:13

wondering how to measure the worthiness of creative self expression. I don’t think data is necessarily a helpful measure

But I'll just say this is it the quantity of connections through your podcast that you're interested in or the quality of those connections? Just think about that, about whether and then if it is the quality, then does it matter? Can you ask the question, is it worth it? Then define when will it be worth it? Is the number of listeners or how will you know when it's worth to you?
Lauren Swartz
@Lauren2kat · 0:53


It's like finding that balance between wanting to be heard and because of that, it could be work, but also really doing it because it's fun. Right. Like you said. So I have some things to think about. What is fun for me now? I will be thinking about that. Thank you
Lauren Swartz
@Lauren2kat · 1:16


Thanks for that detailed and thoughtful response. That feels and sounded very accurate. Actually. I think there is a bit of a performer inside that does want that has perfectionistic tendencies. That's absolutely true. I think I've chosen to jump on Swell because I find it not intimidating because there's no planning. That really has to happen. I can kind of just wing it
Lauren Swartz
@Lauren2kat · 1:46


Like what I've explained, how I've replied to most folks on this thread is an explanation about not being organized enough to have an actual podcast. And Swell seemed less intimidating to me just because there's not much planning that goes into it. And in my brain, I feel like podcasting needs to have a lot more planning. But again, these are like things I'm creating, and that doesn't necessarily need to be so. And you're right
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:15


I understand there is some planning obviously involved, but the same approach you have to Swell should be the same approach you have to podcasting curiosity to explore audio through your thoughts. That should be the primary driver for why you make the podcast. Because if you go into it trying to be professional and all that sort of s***, you're going to be comparing yourself to other people and contrasting why do they have this, why are they doing that?
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 3:20


That's normal for a creator. However, I also realized the importance of engagement, or meaningful engagement. I could have 100 followers who don't even know or remember anything that I have to share, publish or discuss. I'd rather have 100 people who interact with me on a regular basis. And we grow as a community, as an organic community. And of likeminded people, not only do I share, but I get to learn, I get to understand their stories as well