#MyProfile | Rachael CurseBreaker

Teaching people how to heal from their traumas and teaching them how to understand and know and acknowledge their triggers and things of that nature. So hey, look out. Swell. And I look forward to having a swell time. Here again. I am Lady Rachel of Singles with a testimony. And I also air on the BPG inspirationalstation.com, the raw, Australis, loving y'all for free. It's Internet radio station in the land, in the world and in the globe. We do this why?


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:32

#trauma #relationships #insight

Hey Lady Rachel, welcome to Swell. I really enjoy hearing what it is that you're all about and the motivation that you have to help individuals heal from relationship trauma. I think that pretty much applies to anybody and everybody. Your target audience is massive, which could be good and challenging at times, but ultimately I have a feeling that you know exactly what to to do to kind of connect and resonate with people