Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:48

#SwellPrompt | My Wedding took so much planning, at least that’s what I thought! #LadyFi #Decorations #TimeManagement

This prompt says, the most I ever planned for something, I planned for in my life. The most I ever did planning for. I would have to say it would be my wedding, because this being an addition, I've been married before. And with the first wedding, we went to city hall. No big deal. We went to city hall. We went to work. The second wedding, we had a beautiful wedding outside, and that was a lot of work

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt | The most I have ever planned for something in my life... #Weddings #Planning

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 0:57
I am grateful that you shared your journey and you shared what that looked like for you. And that it, you truly created, the two of you truly created the day that you both desired
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:34


I didn't believe I was worthy enough to be asked to be married, that someone would love me enough to want to marry me again. I thought I was too old and too big. I had kids. I didn't have much to offer because my own sister told me. She said, you don't bring much to the table. And I said, I am the table. And I said, what about love is essential. Money is great, but love is essential