Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 10:37

Heart attacks are different for women than for men. Let’s talk about the differences.

But anyway, it runs in the family. It can run in the family due to heart conditions or high blood pressure or uncontrollable hypertension. Things like that can help. Well, will make you have a heart attack. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is this, last night, I had really bad chest pains. Really, really bad. Thought I was having a heart attack

#HeartAttack #AnxietyAttack #ChestPain #HeartAttackSymptomsForWomen #WomenHeartAttacksMedical #knowthesymptoms #LadyFi

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:55


You know, it's not taken as you're a medical professional, but because you have this experience, can you let us know about vitamins and food and routine that you think really can contribute to getting a better health? I know a lot of this is inherited. People battle that all the time. And it's just helpful for people to feel like there's things they could do anyway
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:00


Thank you so much for the opportunity to be able to speak on this. When I initially found out that I had hypertension, I was 19 years old, so they told me I had high blood pressure. And over the years, you know, I just didn't attend to it. Being a young person, you think, oh, it doesn't mean anything, but it does because of the journey that I saw with my father
Speaking Buddha
@Vivek.Padalia · 2:10


So my part on it is there are lot of things if we can take care, we can start paying attention that can not be 100% resolved, but it can definitely reduce the pain, the trauma, the impact on our body or the people around us. So keep I think for all of us, it is essential to take care of yourself, to take care of your body mind and keep working on it. Don't lose your attention and focus from it
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:28


Thank you so much, sir, for your input. Thank you for your good suggestions. Thank you for listening. I appreciate any insight that I can get into bettering myself and my health. And I appreciate having friends on swell that include this information or try to include it as we encourage each other to do better. I think that we will. So I'm very pleased. I'm glad to meet you and thank you so much
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:39
And not really think about it until we have to, unfortunately. So this is really, really good information. I'm really glad it's out there, and I hope a lot of people listen to what you have to say. Thanks. Bye
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:00


Hey, Miss Leanne. Thank you so much. You know, we do have to stick together as women, as a community, as a world. Seriously, we need to look out for each other. I am my brother's keeper. I really am. And I love each and every one of you. And I would hate for any of your voices to be silenced due to the fact that, you know, you had heart disease or cancer or any of that stuff. I just

#medicalastrology #heartattacks #women #men

But he didn't wear a pacemaker. I don't know what sign he was, but when it comes to these fixed signs, which is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, these are fixed signs, which can be a little bit stubborn and stubborn in different ways. So a lot of our stubbornness gets in the way. And with the mindset also that we have, it affects a lot the body and these planets affects our mindset as well. So they all are correlated together
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:00


But anyway, it's interesting that you're in school and that this is your field of study, you know? Wow, that is amazing. You know, congratulations to you, because to be that dedicated to be to want to be helpful in healthcare is amazing because it requires resilience and patience and love. So thank you so much for you being you and giving back to society by getting ready to practice in healthcare. Thank you


And I humbly say that because of where I was raised, you know, I was raised in a, I guess, what they call ghetto, a very poor town, you know, and to now, you know, be educated through Harvard and stuff like that. And it was a blessing in disguise. So it was that kind of thing. So I guess that's why I've always been passionate about science and medicine. And so now with the. I'm not pushing the whole medical astrology