Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:29

#askswell | ☃️👙What is your favorite season and why I know it’s a simple question but let’s hear the answers 🌸🍁 #fall #summer #spring #winter

You. What is your favorite season and why do you like fall or spring or winter or summer? I'll go first. My favorite season is fall. Everything's so beautiful. The weather is perfect for me. I don't like it really hot and I don't like slipping on my butt in the cold. I don't like ice. I don't like snow. And I guess that's from because I'm from Chicago and we see it all the time. I'm tired of it

What’s your favorite season winter spring summer fall and why? #seasons #favorites #ladyfi

Sam Seegars
@vegas_sam · 2:00
You get the new growth on the trees and flowers and the birds start to come around, you start to see butterflies and all the nature wakes up, basically. And because of that, spring is my favorite. But they're all great in their own way. Although winter is probably my least favorite just because being cold is a drag. And in Chicago, I know it gets cold. I was there one winter and it was so cold that I could barely breathe. And that is just too much
haniro tv
@hanif · 0:02
What time?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:26


You. Thank you so much for your response. That is wonderful. Spring is beautiful. Like you said, it's the waking up of everything in nature. The animals, the grass grows. You know, it rains and flowers are coming. So yes, it's an amazing, amazing season. I'm so glad that you shared that with me. It was such a beautiful way that you put it. Thank you so much. Thanks for asking us
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:38


You. Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, fall is so lovely. Everything's changing, getting ready to go on into the wintertime, to get frozen, to come back even bigger and better in the future. So. Yeah. I love fall. Just a light jacket, it's a little breezy, but not too cold. The colors around me, the acorns on the ground, the pine needles and pine cones that fall down. I just love the smell
Travis W
@twalls2023 · 0:49
It. Fall is my absolute favorite one word. Football. All right. Football. Football. Football. And I enjoy watching my daughter kick butt playing football. Yes, my daughter plays football, and she is amazing. So being able to watch her play coupled with that nice fall tom weather, oh, man, it's just beautiful. So fall 100%. Let's go, football. Let's go. Let
Omar Mohamed
@Omar_mohamed22 · 1:34
Well, first of all, hello. And this is my first activity on the application so far. But I thought I would join because I really like the question. So I'm from Egypt, and the seasons here are completely different. You could say that the summer here is harder than usual because, of course, we're in a Middle Eastern country in Africa, so temperatures get really hot during the summer. Currently, temperature now is like 40 degrees or something
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:31


It. Thank you for your response. You said your daughter plays football. That is amazing. She must be really, really good at it. And girls should be allowed to play what sports that we want because we're proficient in everything, right? So anyway fall I'm with you. Fall is beautiful. I don't do football that much, but if that works for you, that is wonderful. I know a lot of people who love football, and you're right, Fall
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:57


Oh, my gosh, it be getting cold. So cold. Like the hawk will get you. We're called the Windy City and they ain't playing. It is the windy city. For real? And it gets unbelievably cold here. But then that's why I like fall, because fall is beautiful. It's the in between for me, the not so hot and the not yet cold. Thank you so much for all this interesting information. I'm sure Egypt is beautiful