Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:16

#askswell | What’s your favorite board games?

Good afternoon, Masswellcast family. I wanted to ask a question today. What is your favorite all time board game? Like, what is your favorite board game? I mean, do people even play board games anymore? Because I know sometimes when families get together, they sing, they eat, they have a good time, they watch football. But do they play board games or card game games? I know I play spades and bidwiss and gin rummy and solitaire and stuff like that

Board games anyone? #scrabble #monopoly #operation

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:30

I know I hate Settlers of Catan😑

I know that's weird, just keeping it all packaged up, but I think I'm ready to bring it out now. The Monopoly game, I think it's called the platinum edition or something. But yeah, I love it. I think one of the worst game board game I played is Settlers of Katan. I just wasn't into it. If you've never heard of it or never played it, look it up. Settlers of Katan is for me personally is the worst
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 1:47

@LadyFi. I don’t know if it counts as a board game, but Yahtzee. I also like this card game called garbage.

What's going on? Evelyn zach here. So I don't know if this counts as a board game, but I consider it somewhat of a board game because you play it on a table. It's not a board game. It's a tabletop game, which is essentially what a board game is. So I consider it a board game. And then there's Yossi. I love playing yossi. I play it all the time with my family and enjoy it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:42


But either way, I did look up the Katan board game that you're talking about, and that looks kind of boring to me because I don't want to be a colonist or settler on an island, so yeah, I wasn't feeling that either. So thank you so much for responding. Thank you so much
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:59


Thank you so much, Zach, for answering on this. Well, for contributing. I freaking love yahtzee. I have it on my phone. I have it here in the house. We love yahtzee. We love playing it. And yeah, it is a game of chance, but I love it, you know, being able to get all the suits the way that we need to. And then you were talking about that game, Garbage
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:20


You. So my favorite board game is Scrabble. I enjoy most board games, but Scrabble is ultimately, hands down my top go to board game
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:19


Hello. Thank you for responding. A fellow scrabbler. Yep. I love scrabble. It is such a fun game to play, and it keeps you educated and it keeps you calm, and you can just think, you know, think logically. But thank you so much for responding to this. Well, I love it. Scrabble
Claudia Walsh
@Claudie52 · 0:10
My favorite board game is Risk. I've always loved risk. Risk is a great game. It
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:37


Hello. Thank you so much for answering this. Well, I'm not familiar with the game of risk. You'll have to explain it to me. But anyway, if that's your favorite board game, that's amazing. Don't you just love board games? It's always something to play. Brings a smile to your face, and, you know, you kind of unites the family and everything
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:41
Do you play any of these games on your phone? I'm just curious. I'm noticing a lot of the Monopoly go and I haven't partaken in it. While I do, like a good old fashioned game of Monopoly, it is so many new versions that I've seen so far. It's like, wow. But I was just wondering if you play Monopoly go and well, if anyone does and what's their take on it?
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:45


You. Thank you for responding to this. Well, I do play Monopoly. Go. But not on my phone, on my tablet. I do play that. It's an okay game. I'm not gonna say it's, you know, everything, but it's it's a time consumer. I play bingo on my phone. I play phase ten on my phone. Sometimes I scrabble yahtzee