Kwa NateKo
@kwaĀ Ā·Ā 3:30

Fitness Journal: Finding A Morning Routine That Works

You all right? I didn't get crazy sleep last night, but I have continued with my fitness routine. And I think for the most part I tried it. I'm a reserve mornings for lower body leg workouts, partly just because for me, it's easier to keep track of where I'm at in my exercise routine if I just start from the bottom down. So, like toes all the way to head
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Ā Ā·Ā 1:07

#Morning #Workout #Routine

Hey, thanks for the invite. For me, I'm actually currently doing my morning routine, which I like to switch it up, similar to kind of what you're saying. Sometimes life kind of dictates for you to do things a little bit different
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkkĀ Ā·Ā 0:53
So I'm trying to get back there, trying to eat healthier, trying to get going as I it as much as I can. But thanks again for the invite and good luck on your journey