Align with the divine flow with Reaux Merkaba - Spiritual Coach & Mentor

Hello, Swell Casters. Welcome to another episode of The Only Way Out is in. It's, the micro podcast series based on my book. As you know. Now, in the previous episodes, we have discussed my secret sauce for manifestation and how to create your own reality by changing your subconscious beliefs. So we have covered topics like affirmation, visualization techniques and the importance of corresponding feeling to attract what you want

#theonlywayoutisin #spiritualpodcast #spirituality #divineflow #spiritualcoach #specialguest

Reaux Merkaba
@EyeAmReaux · 1:20
You. Hi Kamal. Thank you for having me. I really appreciate it. To answer your question, aligning with the divine flow is to let go of the egoic desires and release any expectations. Once you settle into your heart space and get out of your headspace, you'll notice that experiences that fuel your heart will become more present. If you start to follow your passions, heal your inner child, release traumas, forgive yourself and others and surrender the universal flow
komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 1:18
Hello. Hey. I must say, that is beautifully explained, healing the inner child and getting out of your head space. And I know that, of course, a lot of people face issues with because of being in the head space. And, you know, there are many mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga, and many other things to make sure that one is able to listen to their hearts. But there are still too many blockages. I mean, it's very hard
Reaux Merkaba
@EyeAmReaux · 3:55


Like with social media and the news, TV programming, movies, the company you keep. But a big part of it does start with your diet. So it's good to start by changing what you eat. So eat more raw, like fruits and vegetables. If you eat meat, just make sure you know how it's processed because a lot of the animals are stressed and stuff like that and that just transfers over to you anyways
komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 4:20
You. Okay, well now this was eye opening honestly for me because I know about chakra healing. I do those meditations on a regular basis to heal your respective chakras or there are certain musics that are available online that helps you get into that stage where all the chakras are getting balanced and there are many ways to do it
Reaux Merkaba
@EyeAmReaux · 1:55


You to start. We have to know that living in divine alignment is not something that's going to happen overnight and it's not something you want to rush. It's going to take plenty of discipline, shedding of old beliefs and negative influences, and reconditioning the way you think about basically everything. But in relation to my spiritual coaching practice, one of the services I offer is building your foundation. Your foundation of what you know to be true
komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 2:14
Who do you want to actually believe and follow? So I think it's a perfect answer that you just follow your heart, because our intuition and our heart knows the best. And that resonated with me really well. So, thank you so much. See, you clearly are a divine being. I must say, it is amazing speaking to you about this. I would like to know, how do you use your inner divine being as a source of guidance and inspiration for others?
Reaux Merkaba
@EyeAmReaux · 3:44


And look who I am, look who I am becoming. And through this whole spiritual awakening process, we really start to step back into remembering who we are. Who we are as a soul, as our true selves. It's just a beautiful process to really not only find that and realize that for myself, but then to start sharing that and get others to see that for themselves as well. Because we're all on this journey together. We are a collective
komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 1:12
You. Thank you so much even imagining being able to do this. I mean, hearing your words at the end about being the light and let our own light shine, it felt blissful even just listening to that. And I'm sure it's a pure ecstatic experience when that actually happens. Ah. I understand that you also help some fellow veterans with PTSD and trauma with, of course, the kind of knowledge you have
Reaux Merkaba
@EyeAmReaux · 2:44


When these horrible things happen, it is there to show us the unawakened side of the consciousness or the dark side of the consciousness. Because at our core, we are love. And we lose sight of that when we first incarnate so that we can appreciate it even more once we have our spiritual awakening. Yeah, another big part of this healing process is self forgiveness. And forgiving others
komal luthra
@Komal_luthra · 1:34

So I'm really grateful to have connected with you and Rod first. Me you have the content of probably ten episodes within you. I think it was a beautiful conversation, but I would really love to have you here on this series again. So I would love to host you again sometime, discussing different topics and getting new learnings from you. It was wonderful having you on. Thank you so much for joining us