Why you should learn a second language?

Now that we have talked about it. Let me tell you about what language is the most useful to learn whether you are a beginning language or not or working towards an advanced degree. The languages can be Russian, Arabic, Spanish, French, German, et cetera, et cetera. So I hope you guys like my today swell and I gave some important information for you Alex me know in the comments if you know another language or if you're learning one. Thank you so much for listening

#sayitonswell #language #bilingual #secondlanguage

Krish Sehrawat
@KrishSeh511 · 0:27
Hey, Koshi, that was a great swell. And I totally, like, accept whatever you said about learning. You a second language. Helps us in many and many ways. And I just hope that this swell of yours reaches to more and more people so that they know the importance of learning you. You a second language. Thank you. Bye
Varun Aich
@varunkaich · 1:53


So yes, unless it's a computer language, I think it has lost its relevance before. Long back, about 2025 years ago, this concept was there that one should learn the language because those days going abroad and working out, there was a thing. But now it's not like that. I mean, everything is on global. We are on global citizens and we are very lucky that we are proud Commonwealth. And that's why we know English