Karmendra Thakur
@Karmendra1309 · 2:54

Kuldhara - The Ghost Village In Rajasthan đź‘€

Kuldhara is one of the most haunted village in India. The deserted, narrow and ancient streets of Kuldara are the source of myths, spooky, folklore and stories of ghosts and paranormal activity. 17 km from Jessel Meir nestles a town called Kuldhara which was once prosperous but now it lies in ruins and all that is left are various open houses in the state of despair. At first sight, this curse ghost town, Kuldara gets the thinking, caps on and immediately increases people's faith in metaphysical and paranormal activities

#Kuldhara #RealLifeStories #storytelling #rajasthan #horror #india #spooky #paranormal

Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:48
And yeah, I just hope that you keep on posting spells like this, because I really love this topic regarding paranormal experiences, regarding mysteries, regarding crime or all that. I just love these kind of topics and I love to ponder upon it. So this was one of my favorite topics