Bhangarh Fort : The Unsolved Mystery (Part 2)

While Bangar fort story has been rubbished by scientists, nothing stops the villagers from believing that it is a century for ghosts and spirits. People claim to have heard women screaming and crying, bangles breaking and strange music emerging from the fort. It is believed that if a person enters the fort after sunset, he or she will never ever come out of it. The doors are therefore always locked after dusk and entry into the Bangor fort at night is absolutely forbidden

#BhangarhFort #RealLifeStories #truestory #storytelling #mystery #horror

Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 1:17
It talks about so many sectors in life, especially here, where it talks about a place being haunted because of deceiving someone just because of physical attraction. Right. So I feel like I'm so glad that you decided to speak on this topic. And we should definitely glorify Indian mythology, Hindu mythology, because I feel like everything has such a beautiful meaning, such a beautiful plot behind it, and is as beautiful as the other mythologies that we read about