Why wait for it?

Routinely? Why wait for a vacation if you haven't listened already? Check out my other swell cast episode on Every Day Is Different, where I talk about how we can't control the stressors that come at us every single day. And they will. Every single day. They won't stop coming. But you can plan for your week and schedule and incorporate the little pleasures for yourself throughout the week, activities that allow you to focus on you

#burnout #stressmanagement #whywait #vacation #staycation #live #love #selfcare #self #stopburnout #havefun

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:59
And kind of gather those bits of research and then figure out how to sprinkle them in the day to day so that it's actually the way that you live your life and not, like, the exception to the rule, so I love that, and I love the title. Why wait for it? Yeah. Why wait for it?