Joe barket
@joebarket · 3:02

I wrote a book

Gossiping and spreading rumors leads through a negative mindset. Don't attach yourself to negative emotions and let me give you one more do one better. When asked to do something for someone or need to take on a task, do it as best as you can, but add more value to it where you can. So those three and I elaborate a little bit more worth in the book. Plus another seven ways are in that book. So go check out the link and I will talk to you later

#writting #book #ebook #motivation #inspiration

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:33
Hi. Congrats on the book, and thanks for sharing your story around it. I really like how you started just as a blogger. It was an assignment and then turned it into a book. I feel like I have those ideas for my writing as well, and then I just have never followed through on it. But one of my dreams one day is to put out a book, so yeah. This was inspiring. Yeah