Let’s talk about God.

I think historically, if we look at the record, it's pretty clear that the God that is worshiped by those three abrahamic faiths, because they all three traced their roots back to Abraham, all worship the same God. Now. They've, of course, each in their own way, refined their image of God into one that exists now. But at their very root, they all worship the same God


Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 4:49
And if you prayed to the God of Mars to get well, that wouldn't work very well because he's the God of war and strife. And so that really resonated with me. And so my concept of God began to splinter apart. And I believe that, you know, I've come to believe that there are many, many, many gods, and no God is supreme. But each God or goddess has their own area that they watch over
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:57
So I am a Christian, but I wasn't raised as a Christian and I can say that, I like to say that because sometimes people think that most of us just kind of fall into our faith, we believe what our parents believe, but because I don't have that experience, I'm very comfortable in my christian faith because I found this as an adult and I didn't just find it as an adult, but I looked into other religions, I looked into things such as Buddhism, I looked into things such as Islam and Judaism
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 2:17
Every religion, I think, has a little bit of hubris in it in terms of, oh, yeah, but we're the best because we believe a, b, and C as opposed to these other people who do not. You know what? None of us really know. Let's be honest here. None of us really know. I mean, it's really