Jasmeen Kaur
@jazzmyn · 4:02

Week starter affirmations - repeat after me! 🤍⛅️🌷✨💌💕

Hello and welcome to all the swell listeners at the moment. Thank you so much for tapping in. I won't disappoint you at all because today is Sunday and I'm here with the week starter, Affirmations. And trust me, this is all you need to start your week with all the positive and good aura that you need and all the resilient ins that you may need for the whole week. So, yeah, without wasting any time, let's directly start with our Affirmations

Please try and pause the audio to repeat after me for feeling the great energy. #swellsunday #affirmations #positivity #routine #energy

Avneet .
@avneet_ · 0:22
Hi there, Jasmine. And really, thanks for sharing this positive affirmations. And I do believe in them and I think it's a great way to include positivity in your life and opening way for positive thoughts and things to happen. So, again, really, thanks for sharing it