Today's message is for somebody out there, whoever's listening to this at this moment, and they're probably listening to this and they're probably going through some struggles, they're going through some problems. Things might be dark right now in your life. I want to talk to you. See, we all go through hardships and struggles. We all go go through dark moments in our life. And we all need somebody to come and motivate us to tell us to keep moving forward

#God #Positive #Motivation

Becky Butler
@bc75 · 1:53

#Positive #keeponkeeping on

Thank you for this piece. It is truly wonderful and inspiring. Thank you for allowing yourself the passion with which to speak about the things that you love and the one that loves you. Thank you for expounding truth, for speaking life, for changing circumstances to grace what was once strife. God is good all the time and all the time god is good. And I am thankful for where I am and who I'm with and being able to support my family emotionally during some trying times
Jose Ayala
@J14Ayala · 0:34

#thanks #Blessed

I want to thank you for those kind words, and I thank God that you were blessed with those words. And I ask God that he keeps blessing you, your family, your brother in law. I'm so sorry about your brother in law. The important things that you were praying, your family is praying. I'm going to be here praying for him as well. We know that God is a God of the impossible. There's nothing he can do