
thank you everyone already for joining this sealcust i m here with a putree that i would like to us start its a very time putrycometail its not just a tribu of story that told the form of poetry so hit it is a tiny dizileatinidesil tiny dream together with the fairy as traveled it seemed together with a fairy traveled it seem i cept walking in the journey antila reach to do realizing non held my hand any more my tarts just past my thought went saw my thats just past my thought went so i had a fear in my heart and to the core i had a fear in my heart and to the core is left out it felt yes i was a one i was left out it felt yes i was a lon i took a deep breath and wait it i was to shocked and felt waited that droplet of swat slowly falling down my beard i found no one behind the door fellopin when the smoke cleared yes when the smoke cleared it was only one shock to find no one there the other one was to know the door led to no ver i had to gether myself up had to work back as that was the only choice another it really had and that was the only choice and the other i really had what downhill without the smoke a smoke is not cleared wake downhill without the smoke a realized it was a bern land walking this time with is wide opened thinking of the time wasted that i had in my hands thinking of the wasted time that i had in my hance i m no walking right back rs against time i m now walking right back rs against time dhetremind to never take this rod again am walking anstopibly in the cold with a heart line and did as it pain aleventually reach where i started from will rebot his journey of fresh will make wise choices experienced the last an fresh nothing that s learn from the first ever goes in win al reach to what man just for me i sprint again i gether all my strenth and this time i will sustain i don⁇t know whether my fit for me is bonarbainidon⁇t know what a my fate for me is bone or bain but il make this one proud this one will last i ror ror amin so there was it and thank you for listning thank you for per in me actually i like to end it with siperfomhindy language that just gaming my mind while recording this i dont know cm in माई माइंड नाम ऑलरेडी स्पीकिंग सो इस लाइक ये दम यह दम अब जो भरा है यह दम अब जो भरा है ये टूटेगा तब जब सांस साथ छोड़ेगी यह दम अब जो भरा है ये टूटेगा तब जब सांस साथ छोडेगी। यह कदम रुकेंगे तब यह कदम रुकेंगे तब जब कामयाबी खुद को मुझ से तो लेगी जब कामयाबी खुद को मुझसे तो लेगी तुम कहोगे बोलने के लिए तुम कहोगे बोलने के लिए अब मैं नहीं बोलूंगा बस ये कदम बोलेगी मैं नहीं बोलूंगा बस यह कदम बोलेगी थैंक यू थैंक यू एवरीवन फॉर लिसनिंग एंड होप यू हैव गुड लाइफ थैंक यू।

Amen, a terrible but not so tiny tale. Link: #poetry #Indian #swellcast #India #English #Hindi

anubha agarwal
@Anu07 · 0:06


lub letters in rete like the way you describe it।