Harsh S
@ItIsHARSH · 5:00

Drugs Addiction Awareness

Hello, everyone. This is harsh and welcome back to my channel. Addiction doesn't discriminate and it affects all types of people from different backgrounds. Being aware of of the issues allows people from all walks of life to open up. Many people fall into the delusion that addiction only happens to people who live in certain parts of the country or have specific backgrounds. However, the truth of the matter is that addiction is a disease. This disease hurts people from all walks of life

#drugs #addiction #awarness #mentalhealth #wellbeing #weed #lsd #cocaine #mda #stop #willpower #control #pleasures #life #wellness #itisharsh

Harsh S
@ItIsHARSH · 4:58
You or a loved one can develop the strategies and skills necessary to create a healthier lifestyle. Volunteering your time with local organizations is a great way to raise awareness about substance abuse. Drug addiction not only benefits those who may be going through it, but it can also help prevent those from even starting. Millions of lives have been touched through the events that raise drug addiction awareness. Coming together as a community holds a lot of power. It encourages a re in this together mentality