I'm most precious resource is time

That's 60 people who might review it on Goodreads ahead of time and put it on their list and help propel the book forward to get even more reviews, which will help the algorithm on Amazon. And then maybe a book influencer will pick it up on TikTok or Instagram or Facebook and share it around or threads or whatever. And I also enjoy it and it helps with the writing and it just helps me. But hours I spend, I just don't have enough time for everything

#Journal #amwriting

Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 0:56


It. I really enjoyed listening to your thoughts about time and just trying to make it all work and I guess I'm in the same boat also. Kind of like an amateur writer. Not really, just have a lot of ideas and jot down a lot of notes but I haven't really compiled anything significant yet. But I also just think about trying to have time. Like I have a corporate job, I also have a partner
Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 1:54


But can you do everything with excellence and with heart and with passion? That's not true. You just can't. So thanks for your response. I really appreciate it. Have a great day. Bye