On Climate and Activism: a conversation with Akhilesh Anil Kumar

His friends and him have recently produced a documentary series called Theorem about apply to the fishing community due to coastal erosion and unscientific constructions in the coastal belt. He is the founder and director of Prolonged Fashion, which is a pursuit in genderless and organic clothing. Welcome Aquila It is our pleasure to have you here

#climatechange #activism #sayitonswell

Akhilesh Anilkumar
@akhileshanil · 0:06

Hi, this is akhilesh from Bring Back Green Foundation.!

Hi, this is acculation co founder Director of Bringback Green Foundation
Aishwarya Sunil
@aishwaryasunil_ · 0:16
Hi, Akhilesh. Thank you for joining us. I think we should head straight into swell interviews. So please tell me why you decided to take up activism, particularly climate change activism. What were your reasons? What inspired you to do this work
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Akhilesh Anilkumar
@akhileshanil · 1:40

Introduction to my activism and activities!

And it was one of the largest movements and take plastic straw movements, I think in the south at that point in time, we had a lot of great importance backed with it and then we went ahead and then started my own organization which is Bring Back Green Foundation, which was later in 2019
Aishwarya Sunil
@aishwaryasunil_ · 0:19
Well, accolade not a lot of people would have done what you did. Not a lot of people would have been moved by an issue so deeply that they would have decided to take charge. Right. What are some of the challenges you faced while creating your Bringback Green for foundation? Were there any challenges? And if there were, how did you overcome them
Akhilesh Anilkumar
@akhileshanil · 1:19


So getting to know how difficult the law surrounding an organization which works on social issues was one of the important things then raising funds had to be done personally because nobody would trust a young person at that point of time to lend funds for a social initiative. Apart from being young and the funding challenges, they were also finding the right partnerships, finding the right people to work with. As an engineer, that's just starting up was a big challenge
Aishwarya Sunil
@aishwaryasunil_ · 0:33
While I understand that the fact that you were really young presented itself as a challenge, I still have to say that the fact that you were young makes your achievement so much more commendable because it would have been easier for you to just wait and sit on it, but you did, and you decided to take action now. So I really applaud you on that. Coming to your podcast, how would you say that your podcast helps raise awareness? How do you create your podcast, Cars?
Akhilesh Anilkumar
@akhileshanil · 0:53
So, yeah, the reason why I chose Start podcast was, you know, it was the beginning of Covet and there was a long lockdown that was coming. So one of the best ways to convey the message, conveyor the topics that we were working in, I believe was through podcasting because it was one of the things I was really rising up at that point of time and especially in a virtual time was something that really worked out
Aishwarya Sunil
@aishwaryasunil_ · 0:20
As a fan of podcast myself, I do hope that you continue making and creating your podcast. But what's even more interesting to me is your documentary theorem that you made with a few friends of yours. If I'm not wrong, so what was that process like and what inspired you to make a documentary
Akhilesh Anilkumar
@akhileshanil · 1:03
It's like every year hundreds of people get displaced, hundreds of houses get destroyed but it's a topic that doesn't get that much attention so we thought we'd bring attention to it by making a documentary, a documentary series and trying to address sort of bring it into the spots
Aishwarya Sunil
@aishwaryasunil_ · 0:12
Akalicia. I want to thank you so much for your time and for your responses before I let you go though, to everybody that's listening, how can we as individuals help the cause of climate change
Akhilesh Anilkumar
@akhileshanil · 0:02


Yeah. Thank you thank you for this