Gohunda, the largest mountain gorilla in Rwanda

But it's also a powerful moment because the guerrillas would stop and look over these fields. And I wanted to capture that. So this is the only picture I took that day that I converted to black and white and really made it as a portrait. And I thought it was interesting because in the portrait style, it really sort of hopefully gives Gahonda a bit of a majestic look and the sort of Noble, curious, thoughtful, somber look as he's checking out the fields down below

https://www.photopoa.com/gorillas @pics #photography #photo #picture #photo #gorilla #wildlife #conservation @DBPardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:10

Photographer boundaries 🤔

What a stunning photo. And I laughed when you said you're breaking the rule of thirds because there's a point where you're, like, critical of your own composition, but it works so beautifully. And I look forward to you putting that link there. I know you probably we didn't have room for it in this description, but the trick in pasting links is to paste the link, and then it converts it, no matter how long it is
Michael J.
@goatea · 0:18
Actually, I like to know what that name Kahunda comes from. It doesn't sound like a Disneyland African name. Kahuna Jungle with Bongo, drums and stuff. But anyway, just curious where that named comes from. Cool story. People keep going
Peter Stanley
@IBPStanley · 4:33
But that photo was sort of the turning point that he took this picture. Really brutal, really intense moment. Shared it with the world. Yes. He got international attention for the famine in Ethiopia and brought in a lot of money and a lot of global attention to this issue. But he took the picture and became sort of famous because of that photo, which ruined him ultimately. So that is the challenge that I think a lot of photographers go through in those intense situations
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:23


Wow. Thank you for shooting this, and I know that I still don't know what the Gohunda name is from something that Mike asked, which is interesting, but thank you so much for the gravity of your answer and the heart of your answer. I really appreciate it. I can't wait to see more photos and connect with you and your work. It's just beautiful. I love how you understand this medium so completely from every angle. It's just really an honor to have you here
Peter Stanley
@IBPStanley · 1:26
If it's architecture or weddings or wildlife or war, the best photographers in those areas really care about what they're doing and how to interact with the subjects or tell that story. So it is an important thing to think about. But yeah, it can get pretty heavy duty at times