NAMING SHAME | In The Movies

So I'd love to hear from you, if you know any other movies about shame or books that you've read, fictional books, music that deals with the topic, because I think art is such an amazing way for us to be exposed to complicated issues through very beautiful universal genre approaches where our defenses are down, because it's art and we get to really get lost. And in that getting lost, we find ourselves there. And it's a beautiful experience


Becky Butler
@bc75 · 3:41

#Naming #Shame

And it really put some trauma to the name. Named a lot of my feelings, named a lot of my shame like she did. And it's hard to speak of things that you've never spoken of or that are between you and God. And that's where they should be. They should be between you and God. Something so deep
Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 5:00

i kinda healed by studying media…accepting what I wished NOT to be! Thanks again for you all having me here! ( Artwork inspired by Barnett Newman)

Long story short, it came down to two choices, y'all, and I thank you so much for inviting me here because I can really share the healing, at least on my end, because there were a lot of options that popped up, and this reminded me of some of them. You either are going to become a man of routine, extreme routine, or a man of revelation
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Susi Lawson
@susisouljourney · 4:51


It's just with some kind of twisted thing that his son was doing. And his son obviously needed help. And I remember thinking, hopefully in this movie, his dad gets him some help because it's called the world's greatest dad, right? The dad was Robin Williams. I don't know if I said that or not yet, but anyway, it goes on where he's just living his life as the high school teacher
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:43


Well, I'd never heard of that movie, and it sounds like a really good example of the layers that are on top of this person who had shame about his son's death and then shame about his own reaction to his son's death. And then, I mean, such a powerful example. Thank you. And, yeah, Robin did end his life early because of an illness, and I don't know if that was from a shame or from fear of what the illness would do ultimately