Welcome to where the light gets in. And each week we look at a different topic, and this week has been letting love in. Thursdays in this walkast, we focus in on interviewing experts or thought leaders around the topic we chose that week. I'm doing something a little different this week because it's about love. And I thought to myself, instead of bringing in a love therapy therapist or love guru, I would do a series of questions and leave it up to you to answer

#LettingLoveIn #love #TellYourStory

Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 1:02

1. One barrier

Just bring it up so that it could maybe be the start of you looking at it. Because barriers are deeply connected to lived experiences. Maybe some truth that we hold on to, maybe some trauma we've dealt with and that we haven't fully exercise out of our bodies. What is one barrier that you think you still manifest a little bit that keeps you from experiencing full on gorgeous love? I'd love to hear this. Thanks
Abhishek Haridasan
@harryrockerz · 4:59

@hope That one barrier, more so spiritually and mentally..

Hello. Probably the greatest and possibly the most well said topic or well chronicled topic is this one, the barriers in love. It could be one, it could be many, it could be aplenty. But somehow we to ignore them, trivialize them. And I don't know why, because a lot of us go through entire lives and livelihoods by pegging ourselves and egging ourselves to believe that there are some barriers in love and there's nothing that we can do about it
Richard Taliaferro
@richtaliaferro · 1:12


It. I would say, I think fear of rejection and fear that opening myself up as fully as I would like to would be a turn off to someone and fully expressing myself and not having that fullness be seen or be seen in ways that aren't good. I guess I think we all have that sort of fear of rejection, that fear of somebody saying no to us that sometimes holds us back
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:57


I feel guarded a lot, and I think sometimes it prevents me from building the types of friendships and relationships that I should because I tend to kind of stay to myself. I mean, I do talk to people. I have friends at church. I've been to tons of events and things that my church family has. I definitely fellowship with them. A lot of us are connected on social media and everything, so that's not the issue. And it's gotten better
Phil Soapsmith
@soapsmith · 0:48


So the inertia part is difficult because I think about the perfection and how perfection is impossible, and due to the fact that I've got so much going on, I'll never actually be able to do it perfectly. So I'll probably just, you know what? Screw it. I won't actually do it. So perfectionism and overcoming inertia are two sides of that coin, and they're both in the way
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:50

2. Love is a mirror

Second question is about the idea that love is a mirror. That when we are looking at somebody across from us who we love, sometimes they reflect things about who we are. And it can be beautiful and it can also be very eye opening. Can you talk about an experience you had where loving somebody else taught you something about yourself? And it was a really good thing because you didn't see it until you in relationship with this person
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 2:30

@hope love is a mirror 😍 #selflove #realizations #reflection #relationship

But then in that relationship, coming to realize just how much I actually do need emotions, and I need to, even if it's me just exploring them myself. Either way, I refuse to live the rest of my life not having a family relationships with emotions just because that was my beginning. I've realized that doesn't have to be my end. And my love story has helped me come to that realization, which I'm really grateful for
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:58

3. Feeling good because of love

Love is so amazing, and I'd love for you to talk about instances or an instance in your life where you really think love helped you do some serious mental wellness heavy lifting, because love was there to help you with the weight of that experience. Just some good, yummy moments in your life where love was the reason why you felt better and you were able to handle something better
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:55


Hello. Hi. I would like to take a stab at answering your last post, which was about explaining a situation in my life where because of love, I was able to handle some really heavy lifting and, you know, really feeling the power of that love move me forward in progress, healing and a sense of peace for my mental wellness. And I actually talked about that on my post. I think the title is something like, wow, you think you're still my friend