AGE IS JUST A NUMBER | In The News - Well, here’s opposing view!

Sorry, we cling to that myth when we can't face it, that the process of getting older is really happening to us and our loved ones. And she goes on to the very end about takeaways. Don't be fooled about the hype. Aging is not going to be accomplished by pretending it's not taking its toll and help your family accept the changes. I find it to be a very interesting article. It's about attitude. It's about perspective. It's about framing things

#Aging #Health Link:

Lindsey Allison
@LindseyAllisonG · 5:00

The question is BELIEF are we limitless spiritual beings with the ability to alter our reality, or are we entirely limited by science?

And so I would just say that if I want to see my DNA is spiritual, and I want to engage in spiritual activities to activate my DNA based on my beliefs and my intentions and what I desire to experience, then I have to go beyond the limitations of the mind, which is a fixed state of a fixed and limited state of experience and existence, because that's what the mind does. It discerns it. It structures and it limits
Elisha Valentine 🐙
@Elisha · 2:20
However, I do agree that aging is a process and one that should be honored. I believe this is why there are cultural and religious rites of passage, such as bar mitzvahs and quinceaneras, that start in our youth. You know, we change, our bodies change, our mindsets change, and our circumstances and environments change. And all of this affects how we feel at any age. So if age is just a number and it's not really relevant, then why is ageism a thing?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:59

#TheDailyAcorn - Embracing Age: Challenging Perceptions and Embracing Agelessness

Age is nothing but a number. I enjoyed this, this article. I like that it balanced, it grounded. The conversation of age is nothing but a number, which is, you know, just our fun way of highlighting that we are still fun and we're with it, and we're a part of life. The reality of aging is that as people grow older, we are experiencing physical and cognitive changes that impact our daily lives, undoubtedly. And that's what I got from this article
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 2:18


But it's definitely important to acknowledge the fact that the body does age. That's why this article was so interesting to me, because she was saying, let's embrace attitude, but let's also embrace reality that is separate from attitude. It's just reality. And hold on to that as a true and real thing. We are mortal. We decline our cells, stop producing healthy cells, and things happen