A Rumor Has Teeth, But It Soon Devours Itself…My Book Is Yours Now♥️

I just love giving the gift of words. Even if I was the only one to read my own works, I would still be compelled to write and to publish. It's what I enjoy doing. And I thought to myself, well, why not share it with you guys? Because I do have a group of subscribers who know the ins and outs of my writing process, and they get, like, freebies and all this other stuff, and I'm on swell all the time

https://linktr.ee/itsericajean #free #bookgiveaway

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 1:27


You. Thank you. In addition to hearing your great book picks, I am looking forward to checking out your book. I probably won't be able to get around to reading it until the weekend. Will it still be available that long? I don't know how long you plan to have this promotion going, but I am interested. I did go to your Link tree. It's pretty cool. I'm not that savvy with Linktree as of yet, but it's another door that's open
Becky Butler
@bc75 · 1:32

#Rumor #has #teeth

Hi, Erica. Becky here from visions. Expression. And I know the hour is late, but I listened to your post, and I'm so happy that you published your book and are into that because I feel the exact same way. Even if nobody purchased them or even read them, I still have to write
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:48
Hey, Che, thank you so much for responding. And yes, it will be available for a really long time to you as my swell family and my email subscribers that I do have. So it's going to be free for probably several months or for the rest of the year. So, yeah, feel free to download it whenever you get a chance. And, yeah, rumors have teeth and it hurts. At first, the title now, the title was going to be even more provocative
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:24
Hey, Becky. Yes. As a fellow writer, I have to create. I have to write. A Long time ago, when I was, I would say pretty deep into numerology and all of that, I learned that with my personal numbers. I'm One Of Those people that have to create or we destroy. And I'm A person that's about love and light. So I like to create and to give to others
Becky Butler
@bc75 · 2:01
So giving the gift of words as you said Erica, it is giving a gift. I share everything on my social media platforms, usually just one piece and perspective at a time, but they are linked to one or all of my six books that I have written in that are available on Amazon.com under Becky Butler Books. And just thank you for this. Your perseverance, your continuance, your steadfast nature, your push through attitude and the grace in which you carry all of that absolute grace
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:20
Hi, Becky. Thank you so much for your very warm and kind words, as usual. And I'm so glad that Barnes and Nobles is still a physical bookstore, that people can go in and buy amazing books and also visit the little cafe