Do You Remember Flowers In the Attic by V. C. Andrews?

You. Hey, everyone, this is Erica at Souljourney One. K I am sitting by my window listening to the rain. I don't know if you can hear it, but I love reading on a rainy day. And instead of reading, I decided to just kind of reflect on books I used to read that changed my life. And one of the books I read when I was only in middle school is Flowers in the Attic by VC. Andrews #fiction #souljourney #read

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:06
Remember, the older kids had to teach the younger kids how to read and write and all that stuff because they couldn't go to school. They couldn't do anything in the books, not in the movie. The incestuous relationship between the older brother and sister began. And, yeah, they started living like husband and wife and it was just really bizarre. But, yeah, I read the whole series, too
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:27
I can't think of which one it was for the life of me, but Flowers in the Attic and a couple of books after that I really loved. In fact, I think they have a book called Olivia. Now, Olivia is about the grandmother, so it's about her story. And that one has a lot of risque moments in there, too
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:02


They may have seen the movie, but they didn't know nothing about the book, so they didn't know that I was reading anything inappropriate, but they just bought the books. They just happy to see me reading. I don't think they really cared what it was, but yeah. Thank you so much for bringing this back, though