A Woman On Tik Tok Says, " Gen Xers Make the Worst Grandparents"🥴 Link is Provided

And her lament is that she's a parent, but she deserve to be able to go somewhere for a few hours or at least for a few days. But she said some Gen Xers don't even want to watch a child for an hour. And she said her solution is just to cut those parents off. She even encourages other millennials to cut off contact with people who don't want to assist them

Notes: Gen X( Those born 1965-1980). https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8DtCPCm/ #culture #TikTok

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00


You asking me for money to buy you toothpaste, you asking me to buy the toilet paper and the paper towel and all that kind of stuff, and then you saving up your money to go on week long vacations, and then I'm stuck here with your kids that I have all the time anyway, then. No, because there's not a grandparent in this world that if your kids live with you, you're not interacting with them every single, all day long
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:28
And so, yeah, we're not in the position to be your traditional grandmother who wore the house dresses and watched talk shows and soap operas all day long and game shows. No, we're not that traditional grandmother. We are still a working class group of younger people who live active lives and don't want to be full time babysitters. That's not what we want to do. So thank you so much, sis. This was great
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:48
When you have kids, think about who's in your circle, who was really going to be there, and if we're raising kids alone, we need to think about that. Anything can happen. Of course, you could be happily married and then divorced or widowed, but if you're just having babies willy nilly, assuming that grandma and Auntie is going to take care of them or help you take care of them, then that's a fallacy on a lot of mothers parts
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:25
And if a grandparent or an auntie or uncle feel like they're just being used because everybody needs a break, then yeah, they're going to reach a breaking point. And so I've never been one who shunned adults who live with their parents. I know one of my professors, I think she was my psychology, child psychology professor
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:51
I remember different aunties watching us back then, but it was great. And it was because it was after school. But these days, these millennials, they want legend Xers to watch their children all the time. And that me time is only supposed to be occasional, right? Because that makes it more special. Like you said, it's supposed to be an occasional type of thing. So, anyway, yeah, I did take a trip down memory lane there. Thank you for your response
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:22
I could do bad all by myself, or I don't need a man or anything like that. So what happens is single parenthood becomes the norm. For whatever reason. My niece and nephew, they don't have a father in the home for a different reason. He was in a car accident and he passed away. But having said that, there's a lot of single parent homes or fatherless Coles
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:43
I don't have a problem doing for my grandchildren. But some of these mothers, some of these women who have children, because I can't even call them mothers, they, like my dad said, they don't make a patch on a good mother's draws. Some of them, they having children. Oh, well, my mama, she young enough. She can take care of my kids. My mama can take care of my kids. Their granny can keep them
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:00


So we're a small state, but there are people who have never visited Connecticut and probably never will unless they're going know, on the way to New York or know, sometimes there have been times when I've mentioned Connecticut and people are like, where? I mean, not here on the East coast, but if I've been out on the West coast and from Connecticut. Oh, where's that at? It's almost like between New York and. Oh, okay
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:54
But it was rare for me to see that in my neighborhood or my state of Virginia. So, yeah, he said exact same thing you said. He was like, it's plenty of black people that's there. It's very diverse, but there's plenty of blacks. So, yeah, I think that's pretty cool. It's funny, too, because was. Yeah, he literally said the same thing you said