@heyhalfpint · 1:35

Pouring Into Yourself

And today in therapy, this affirmation came up for me that was I break the cycle by showing up for myself. And I'm thinking about all the times that I have abandoned myself in relationship. I'm speaking romantic relationship, but this could be any relationship that you go through in your life. Mine have been romantic and how I've abandoned myself, and I have mistrusted myself and how do I reveal the most important relationship I have, which is with my soul, with myself?

#grief #relationship #healing #selflove

Diana Jorda
@All2beholdyou · 3:25
Hey, g, I'm so proud of you and I am so grateful that you are on the swellcast family. And I really love the question that you pose, which is, how are we in relationship to self abandonment? How have we not been able to be the first people to stand by our own dignities, our own abilities to value our experiences and to advocate for them?
@heyhalfpint · 0:57

#grief #selflove #healing

Thank you so much for your support. Dee. Yeah, naming it, naming the grief, and again, the sitting in it and not attaching to it and just riding that wave is really the lesson in the journey right now. It changes moment by moment, but just like any emotion, you ride the wave and it passes. So thank you