It’s National PTSD Awareness Day

So if we look at the trauma responses, the stress responses, trauma, flight, fight, freeze and fawn, I typically find myself I've learned that I have been in the freeze response for many years. And in the freeze response, it's an internal feeling, internal feeling of being frozen and stuck with the inability to progress and the numbing. We can numb specific feelings that we with regard to stress internally

What is PTSD? I briefly share my story diagnosed with PTSD. #ptsd #mentalhealth #ptsdawareness

Andrea Potvin
@GoodEnough · 4:28
And in my reading, I thought it was very interesting. This article described it as it's a debt. A debt of grief will be paid at some point. And surely many of us know that the point has come as we've progressed in age and trying to figure ourselves out. So I do really appreciate that. Sorry if I rambled, but this is of interest to me and I hope it was helpful to others as it was to me. Thank you