Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:26

👨‍🏫A to Z about MBA 📚Ft. Conversation with Prashant Gupta

Hello. Who doesn't dream to land into a top business school to pursue their MBA and take their career to next level? Well, pursuing MBA I still know is a dream for many, especially from top B schools under proper guidance, proper mentorship, and having some best world class professors under their guidance. Definitely the career goes in the right ends. Well. Hi everyone. Good evening. This is Sonali, your host. And DOST

#IndiaSpotlight #IndianAuthor 📚Book in focus - The MBA mindset

Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:46
His book The MBA Mindset 13 B School Secrets to Kickstart Your Career, published by Hay House India and an Amazon bestseller, has helped many professionals speed up their career growth. With extensive experience working with top consulting companies, prashanth is also known for his ability to deliver strategic insights that drive business results. His area of expertise include organizational transformation, growth strategy and leadership development. Prashant is committed to helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential and welcomes any opportunities to collaborate
Prashant Gupta
@PrashantGupta · 1:46


So thank you so much sonali, for the lovely introduction. Now, when it comes to what is it that inspired me to write the book, I think there was always a writer in me. There was always a desire to storytell and influence the way people act, influence the way they think. So I had been planning on writing this book for a long, long time. But a I think it is the journey which is very daunting
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:10
The very first question around your book that I would like to ask is, firstly, can you share any of your personal experience or anecdote that led you to recognize the need for such guidance for MBA students? Because when we say MBA, after we complete our undergraduate, you know, orientation sessions, we have the campus sessions wherein different seminars and conferences do undertake and guide students. But what made you come up with this book?
Prashant Gupta
@PrashantGupta · 4:46


And the career that you eventually craft after doing your B school is more fulfilling. The entire point of doing an MBA is to probably earn more, or probably to work in an environment which is more conducive for your growth, which is more in accordance with your strengths and aspirations. So all these factors need to be balanced out
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:26
Like, what should they choose? So what are some most common misconceptions or wrong goals that MBA students tend to chase? And even that you have personally looked around that these are some common myths that MBA students have. So what are some of those concepts that you aim to address in your book for the students and definitely the audience out there?
Prashant Gupta
@PrashantGupta · 4:51


So, to give you an example, let's say when people think about doing an MBA, most of the people more than 98, 99%, they believe that only the IIM tag or maybe the best college in the country, whichever you consider it to be, is their only route to success. Which I think is a misconception
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:46
Hello. This was so on point, informative, elaborative, and especially to the people or to the students who are looking forward to start their journey. I think this conversation will be so insightful for them. And I also just thought of sharing something which I came across when my friends were pursuing MBA. Like, we had a couple of friends in our circle. So like, two of them were pursuing CA, I was pursuing CMA and two, three people went for MBA
Prashant Gupta
@PrashantGupta · 4:23


So all these things are just examples. That how personal branding has become so much important. Whether it is a brand, whether it is yourself. Everyone wants to brand themselves in the right manner, with the right story. And specifically for students of business and students in professions like HR, marketing, sales, et cetera, the importance is even more higher. Imagine a company who is, let's say, standing for a particular value or standing for a particular trait
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:05
So I think is every individual is a brand within himself or herself and the qualities that every individual possesses is what helps that individual make a brand of his own. So, yeah, thank you for sharing around that. And now talking about some takeaways. So what are some key takeaways or actionable steps that a reader can expect to find in your book and make the most of internships projects and corporate competitions during their MBA program?
Prashant Gupta
@PrashantGupta · 2:52


Select a better specialization, align with their career interests, align with their aspirations, align with their personality strengths. Develop beneficial hobbies which are specifically more suitable for B school students. There is a chapter dedicated only on how do you clear your summer internship placements or how do you clear your final interviews, how do you give a GD or a group discussion, which is a very popular way of shortlisting candidates at B schools. Finally followed by how do you basically understand the essence of a subject?
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:45
If they have a proper guidance with them, I am sure at least to some extent, that their MBA journey will be a bit, I won't say easy, but at least they will have something with them that can guide them throughout their journey
Prashant Gupta
@PrashantGupta · 2:43


So things like which specialization will give me more marks or which internship would give me more stipend or which job would give me a better salary? So all these things are usually very short term in nature. What you should rather be thinking is what is more beneficial for your long term career? What is more beneficial for your long term happiness? What kind of a career choice gives you more, let's say, satisfaction? So these are the questions that you should be evaluating