5 Reasons AI Won’t Eliminate Gut Decisions: 5. Intuition

Even so, artificial intelligence is not on track to eliminate gut decisions from humans anytime soon because of our emotional intelligence, our creativity, our ability to make complex decisions based on a number of factors. Our own individual ethics and morality, as well as our collective ethics and morality. And our intuition are all aspects of decision making that humans excel at. And that AI is currently unable to replicate. To me, the key word here is balance. That is striking

Advantage Humans! AI can’t replicate human intuition! https://collinharbour.com #ai #chatgpt #intuition #mindset #success #future #technology #thanks

Sujit Lalwani
@sujitlalwani · 3:59
I've given a lot of thought over these months to AI myself and been a part of a lot of debates and I'm trying to add value wherever I can sharing this particular perspective that I think this is going to be a parallel, this is going to be an independent existence which obviously is going to be interdependent