Grace Salzer
@gsalzer · 1:51

i did a color run

So on Saturday, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I did a color run. Guess I just want to talk a little bit about it. It was really fun. The energy was really fun. Everyone there was really excited and nice, and there was, like, a dance party before the race, so that was fun. Really cool music. I went with my friends, which is definitely the way to go. We did not run the whole time because EW, but it was really cool. So there was stations of color

#sayitonswell #colorrun #5k #race #running

Sasha Runyen
@sasharunyen20 · 0:33

That sounds so fun!

Hi Grace. I've always actually wanted to run a color run. I've just heard about it from my friends over the years and seen pictures on social media and it always just looks so fun and like, you know, just just like something so fun to do with your friends. So it's super cool to hear about your experience. It sounds like lots of good vibes and definitely something I need to consider in the future. So thank you for sharing
Grace Salzer
@gsalzer · 1:24
And the best part is you walk around the rest of the day and you're like, I just did a five K. I am so productive. Look at me. But you had fun doing it. And you get a shirt and you can walk around, go out to eat, and people like, wow, look at these runners. I didn't run that much, but it's fun to feel that way