False Evidence Appearing Real: Let’s talk about fear.

And so you may be experiencing that, or you may be still in your job, but concerned for the stability of the industry, the stability of your company. And so we need to recognize what fear actually is so that we can push through and still take massive action, grow into being the best version of ourselves and still succeed despite all of the potential setbacks, I hope this adds value. I'm looking forward to talking more about about fear in some future. Forecasts

#hospitality #mindset #salescoach #mentor

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:25

Fright or flights - hospitality is in the eye of the storm

So to reverse engineer that back into your argument, which I love around, how can we control our fear when it's not substantiated? So we're in a really interesting time for hospitality because there was a very responsible action taken by the hospitality industry, which is, wow, a lot of you are not safe in public spaces. So let's just not put you in harm's way
Natalie spiro
@nabster2020 · 2:02
I just heard this. Well, Cost this morning. And Amy, thank you for sharing that. And Deb, I think you had a little bit of a different take on what Amy was saying. I think we're what I'm hearing Amy saying is that there is fear amongst all of us who are in live events or hospitality. And I happened to be in live events. Lost my business in March and it's now October
Amy Infante
@gitgoleague · 4:57
I think it's being smart and realistic about the situation because, like you said, Deborah, we are living in the eye of the storm, and there is a real reality that it's not going to get better for a little while longer, and we're going to be living in this. But I also believe that we can create our best life and we can be the best version of ourselves, even through some of these trials and challenges that we're feeling today