Nervous intro lol HI All!!

You. Hey, janel here. I'm new. I've been enjoying some of your spells. Really cool. I like this whole idea. I actually hate public speaking. I hate my voice. It's something I'm so not comfortable with, which is exactly why I'm doing it. A little bit about me I'm super into a lot of paranormal things, some of them not by choice

#introduction #paranormal #abuse #advocate

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:33


Hey, Janelle. Great to hear your voice. Welcome to Swell and thank you for the work you do. For people who suffer from abuse, there are never enough advocates and just people to accompany those who are going through it. It's always in the headlines these days. It's just pretty demoralizing. Your comment about being into paranormal normal, not by choice, is pretty compelling, so I look forward to hearing more stories about that. Definitely. Thanks. Welcome