No is a complete sentence

So I was listening to YouTube this morning. I have a couple people I listen to just to kind of help get my mind straight. Positive thinking, control your thoughts. And there was a statement made that I just feel like I want to share. Or the statement was no is a complete sentence. We don't have to explain our nose. And it really kind of hit me because it's like I do that if someone invites me to something and I decide that I don't want to go


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:00
And very seldom will people ever understand where we coming from, so they'll only ever see us where they are. And once we realize that, we can provide freedom in the understanding that all we have to do is show up as our full, most true self and speak from that truth without the need or desire to please others or give to others from an empty cup. That's big, right? So thank you for sharing and I look forward to seeing what other people chime in on here
Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 2:50

@GetGoing soo trueee

I'm saying no, just go. Just go. Read. I don't want to do anything what you're telling me or I don't want to go there just no. So yeah, it was really great. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. I just feel like a lot of people need to hear this. I hope a lot of people hear this. And when you said about not being with, you say no to yourself
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:11
Hi. Thanks so much for inviting me to this conversation. I actually stumbled upon a post. It's a quote of Queen Latifah and she said said, I practice my nose. I go in the mirror and I say no like 20 times. And that's it. And that really hit me because they look at practicing saying no yes as a practice because it isn't natural for me

@GetGoing Yes! And...

And although it can make people uncomfortable or a lot of the times they'll laugh shocked that you might say Sorry, no, that's boring or sorry no holds no interest for me. Also, I've heard repeatedly a great appreciation. Even after they laugh, they're like, wow, thank you. I'm really glad that you said that. And it's funny how we love authenticity in someone else. We love when they are unapologetically themselves. Right?
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:25


This is a great conversation in so many ways. And I just want to just pop in here and thank Christina for your affirmation about life being so beautiful in the context of this conversation. I find it so, so liberating, you know, because no, it's a complete sentence, but it's not the end of a moment. It's just the beginning of one. And I think that you really speak to that in your comment here. So thank you. Bye
Terry Barr
@GGGPodcast · 3:03
Yeah. So I was invited into this conversation and this is my second time on this app. So I'm still trying to navigate kind of the whole idea of, you know, ideas, sharing ideas, thoughts on this level. But the idea that no is a complete sentence. Interesting for sure. I'm certainly in business and get people to say no to me all the time. And if I can get people to say no to me, then I know that we find a common ground
Marie G Inspires
@GetGoing · 1:00


Hi. Thanks for responding. I appreciate that. And I appreciate the followup. I watch a variety of things on YouTube. I watch Mel Robbins just about daily. I also listen to some law of attraction. There's a law of attraction station that I follow on there. But I also follow a couple of spiritual leaders and Tarot readers. And that statement actually came from a Tarot reader. Her channel on YouTube is called Universal Intuition
Marie G Inspires
@GetGoing · 0:14


Wow. I really like that quote that you shared from Queen Latifah. That's really good. I like that practicing your nose. So thanks for joining in the conversation and thanks for sharing that

#justsayno #itsokaytoputmefirst

I found myself growing in this area that a lot of times the reason why I explained my note to someone is because I was trying to make them comfortable or why I said no, not realizing in that moment of trying to make them comfortable that I made myself uncomfortable. And then in the end, I ended up changing what I originally said because the other person was uncomfortable or they didn't appreciate it, or they just wanted their way with me at some point
Marie G Inspires
@GetGoing · 0:22
Thanks for chiming in joining the conversation. That's exactly what I'm talking about. It's such a such a destructive habit and it's causing us to not be be true to ourselves. And yeah, you nailed it with your comment. I appreciate that. I appreciate you chiming in
Varun Aich
@varunkaich · 0:24
Yeah. I mean, I totally agree because there I believe there shouldn't be any need to, you know, explain ourselves for saying no. I mean, it's a no. It's a no, clearly. I mean, it's supposed to no choice. And that is something that we do not really have to explain if you don't wish to. Yeah, I totally scored that, man
Serena Rios
@cactuscloudsart · 4:30
Everything is bright and sparkly, and you want to do things, you want to share things. You think that your ideas are greater than everybody else's, et cetera, et cetera. And so with that comes this desire to do all of the things. And with ADHD as well, our brains are wired differently. And so we come up with different solutions differently than the neurotypical people
Lynn Abaté-Johnson
@LynnAJ · 3:29

#SayNo #NoMeansNo #LeadershipJourney

I live near the beach, and yes, Greetings from San Diego County just about three blocks from the beach. So saying no gives me a lot of freedom. Especially when it's a no. And I mean no
Chatty Girija
@CheersChatty007 · 1:26

@GetGoing Get to KNOW No. #cheerschatty #answerswell #no

Invariably, even when we say no to someone, whether we can't make it, as I say, for a party or some other commitment, they expect us to give us an explanation and we are obliged to give them an explanation. We don't need to, whatever be a reason for doing so. The same, they do not expect an explanation when we say yes because we are confirming to their beliefs, to their thoughts and we are flowing the way they want us to
Manisha Mandal
@DrManisha0812 · 0:06
What a beautiful sentence. No is a complete sentence
Xenia Barnes
@Coachbarnesgmt_ · 0:52

#protectyourpeace #therecondition

So when you change your mindset and your ways of thinking, your perspective on saying yes to everything will shift because you learn to put yourself first. So no, it's a complete sentence. Don't feel guilty
Tamara Mays
@TheTamachan · 1:11

*No* isn’t personal, so stop internalizing the *noes*. The picture is a blooming Japanese Plum tree within my realm of stewardship 🥳 know your values🙏🏾

And I would like to go completely adjacent from all of those and say stop internalizing people's nose. When people say no, it's not personal. And when you're saying no, it shouldn't be personal either. If you're being offered something and you don't want it, it's you shouldn't be made to feel like you have to justify not taking something. I mean, anything else is manipulation. So have a great day
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:33
So I just came up with a way excuse the noise in the background. It's my son. I have a tendency just to avoid them or change the subject before I get an answer out. By then, they probably doesn't forgot anyway, or they know. Basically, I'm changing the subject for a reason. And that's kind of messed up that you get them to even think that way. But some people have a hard comprehension
Xenia Barnes
@Coachbarnesgmt_ · 0:26


Coach Barnes here. If no is too difficult for you to say, then just say, I'll get back to you on that. You don't have to sacrifice your yes or avoid people just so that you don't have to be uncomfortable. Remember, protect your comfort. Protect your mindset. Protect your space. I'll get back to you. That's well enough
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:03

Love this! @getgoing

And if we're saying it, then her must be some reason behind it that we need to substantiate or give versus just no. And that's it. There's nothing more. I don't have to fly my feelings or anything like that. So I love this so much. I love it. Thank you for this. And I love your mission statement there. I'm calling it a mission statement
Marie G Inspires
@GetGoing · 0:23


Hey, thanks for joining the conversation. And I'm glad that that really spoke to you. I appreciate your feedback and your your comments. And yeah, we're all we're all in this crazy world together. So this is a really cool way to to connect. And I'm really liking swell. And I appreciate you taking a minute to share and encourage. So have a good one. Okay. Bye
@nikkivaz · 0:21
Yes. People do often say yes because they don't want to explain their no, as you said. But when we say a no, it is a complete sentence in any matters, and Your Swell explained it very well. Thank you so much
Krish Sehrawat
@KrishSeh511 · 0:30
Yes. I feel you're right. Because people don't really want an explanation when you say yes. They want an explanation when you say no. Because when you say yes, the argument is mostly in their favor only. And you're the one compromising. That's what I guess actually. But when you say no, you have to explain it. That why. No. Why not? Yes. What is the problem and everything. So what I believe no is not a completed sometimes
@nikkivaz · 0:26


I'm glad that you agree with it, that no is a complete sentence. You don't need to explain yourself why no. But the society or the surrounding or the environment has made us that we need to please people and say yes at all times, but we need to learn to say no also. Hopefully you get my point. Th thank you so much
Kathy Beasley
@Kbeasley67 · 0:47
I totally agree. No. And that's the hardest word I have ever had to learn. My nose always came with sorry. No, I don't think. And I always left it the end, open for other people to challenge or coerce me. And that's so health. Don't need to apologize. No and yes, I totally agree, and I thank you very much. That was a great little insight there. Thank you