Nidhin George πŸ”·
@geo_rhymesΒ Β·Β 4:52

What is Attractive? How we perceive it.

Biologically, we are wired to look for signs of health and reproductive fitness. Symmetry of the face, a clear skin and a healthy physique often catch our eye. However, psychology comes into play just as much. Traits such as confidence, a sense of humor, shared values, all of this create deeper connections. And don't forget the cultural influences that shape our perception of attractiveness. When we consider the physical aspect of attractiveness, it almost always boils down to one factor sexual compatibility

The intersection of biology, psychology and culture. #askswell #social #selfgrowth

Nidhin George πŸ”·
@geo_rhymesΒ Β·Β 1:56

Is Attractiveness purely an internal belief or an external validation?

There is no one definition of attractive. It what is considered attractive can vary from person to person, region to region, society to society, even culture to culture. However, it is important to remember that attractiveness is not just about physical appearance. Emotional and intellectual compatibility, good looks and presentation, self confidence all of these play a role in attractiveness. Society plays a significant role in shaping our ideals of attractiveness. In the past, traditional norms were often emphasized and they placed importance on certain physical attributes
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMannΒ Β·Β 1:42
Hey, thanks for sharing this. This is a very interesting topic. I'm always amazed at sort of when it comes to attraction because obviously there's some people generally that we accept and we say that person's attractive. And there's some people where others might say that person is gorgeous or handsome and others might say, really? So I'm always sort of curious about sort of how we perceive what is attractive
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77Β Β·Β 3:13
I love this. And you hit on some really, really great points, especially when it comes down to seeing people online, because filters and the use thereof have really gotten, like, crazy. Filters used to be something that kind of enhance your pictures or make them look fun, but now you got filters that make your skin look flawless. They take all the wrinkles out of people's skin and make you look 20 years younger than you are. You can change your hair color, your eye color
Nidhin George πŸ”·
@geo_rhymesΒ Β·Β 1:32


And the closer someone is to that ideal proportion, the more attractive they are to the opposite sex. But it's not a black and white concept, and it's not like you can ever nail it down and understand and say, oh, I got it figured. Perhaps that's the beauty of it
Nidhin George πŸ”·
@geo_rhymesΒ Β·Β 1:26


You. Hey, thank you so much for chiming in. And as you know, I always appreciate the perspectives and the views that you bring to the table. And I think I can agree with whatever you said on what is attractive, particularly talking about the intangibles, like the respect going to a restaurant and not embarrassing you, the ability of a person to treat you as a person, as a human being, be mindful and respectful and all things like that
Maurice Lekea
@malekeaΒ Β·Β 1:35
Carry yourself with grace. I love that. And a good sense of humor. That's about it. Just someone that I can feel comfortable to be around and to be, um, with in a public or, you know, or in a private that I feel comfortable to be around. Thanks for this conversation. I love it. Thanks for bringing that up