Priyanshi Garg
@garg_priyanshi_Β Β·Β 4:03

Make Your Impression: Crack Any Interview πŸ˜‰

Research is a key factor in cracking an interview successfully. Knowing the company and whether you could be the right fit for it or not make the candidate more relevant for the company. So the next one is you can show your interest in the company. There are many ways to showcase that a candidate is interested in working with the company. One effective way is to ask the women questions about the company's work culture at the end of the interview

Here are some tips of cracking interview... πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ #SayItOnSwell #Interview #crackanyinterview #professionalism

Srishti Sharma
@srish9701Β Β·Β 0:18
Hey, Priyanshi, this was another such a resourceful spell cast by you. And though I am in my first year right now, but definitely, I'm gonna keep each and everything that you mentioned in mind whenever my time comes for facing an interview