Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechangerย ยทย 4:56

How to deal with CONFUSION

The second step would be to make a comparison. Now pick each decision item and note down the pros and cons against the options where you need to make a decision. This will give you clarity on which option is better for you. For example, if you have to decide between a house near a school or house on the main road, note down what makes each one preferable and what are the disadvantages of both these houses. List these points for both the houses. Thirdly, take a cooling period

#confusion #dealingwithconfusion #selfhelp #lifecoaching #motivation

Swati Sharma
@Swatiselfloveย ยทย 1:19
And we start seeking opinion of some other person who's accompanying us to the shop. So it happens everywhere and the situation gets even more tense, more stressful when we have to make bigger choices in our life. And yes, it's very important that we learn to prioritize what's really important to us
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechangerย ยทย 0:55


Thank you so much. Swati, you're always such a big support, and I'm so glad that you took the time to go through this well and respond. Yes. You know, every decision can become so difficult, and we find it difficult to even decide what to shop for, like you rightly mentioned. And, you know, when it comes to life altering decisions, and that is definitely, you know, those are dilemmas that are difficult to really go through
Swell Team
@Swellย ยทย 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@Qyraย ยทย 3:57
So definitely human mind is bound to be confused. What I have started doing off late and it is really working for me that I write down my thoughts and I know this has been called out in lot of self help books and a lot of people have told me personally that I should maintain a journal. But I was not taking it, you know, very seriously until a doctor, very experienced doctor told me about this and I reached him out for the issue that I had with my sleep
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechangerย ยทย 0:32


Thank you so much for reverting on this swell. And thank you for taking the time to go through my swell. And it's nice to hear your perspective. And I really like the idea about journaling because I think that really helps. You know, if you jot down your thoughts, you know, it's easier to take a decision and find out the pros and cons and work towards what you think is the best. I think that's really important