The Harsh Hand Of Destiny

Breathless lay squashed up the piglet in a pool of blood lifeless, the mother howled in torment to her breast held the remnant a while ago, what was her creation now a mass of flesh lay sands sensation for hours she cried her heart out for sympathy she kept looking about. Then her gaze of tearless grief surrendered the scream of silence her heart rendered the rest of the letter gathered in mourning around the mother. Grievous mourning. Not a word was uttered. Pacifying enveloped a silence

#destiny #accident #poem #poetry #treasuredperspectives #theharshhandofdestiny

Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 0:46
Hello, Ranjana. Ma'am. Thank you for your invite. Well, your poem was very, very deep and. My God, ma'am, I can't only say that. I am left speechless with your use of words. And you know what you must have gone through with every word. I could feel your pain. Take care, ma'am. And I just want to say that may God never give you any pain in life. May you always get happiness
Meenu Kaur
@tailored979 · 1:35
But I mean, hardly do we have any time left to stop by the pain, to stop because of the pain which has been caused to the other. And see, just we human are the source of pain caused not only to humans but also to animals and the birds around us. So what I think is it's not ruthless driving alone. It's the ruthless behavior as well
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 1:01
Hi, Ranjana. You know, your poem was so, should I say this way, that it was painfully beautiful. And, you know, the most poignant part side to this entire story that you have depicted was that the only difference between we as human beings and animals is that the way we lose our sensitivity, that sensitive side, that human touch that we can give to the world around, it's the same day that we transform, we change ourselves to animals
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:12


Thank you so much, Kadambari, for your kind words. And it's very, very kind of you. And thank you so much. You too, have a very happy life. Bye
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:30


Thank you so much for your beautiful words. And I'm so glad that it touched a chord somewhere. And you're very right in saying that we've become so detached emotionally from everything in life that we've become very ruthless. That's so true. And that is the sad reality of life. Thank you so much for sharing your views. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:21


Thank you so much. Swati, you're so right in saying that we lost our sensitivity. And thank you so much for your kind words. And I'm so glad that you took the time to go through the poem and share your feedback. Thank you so much. Have a lovely evening and thank you once again. Bye
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:38
Hi, Ranjana. The harsh hand of destiny is really heart touching. Peace and the kind of emotions that you have expressed through these lines was really heart touching. I could sense every bit when you are actually speaking to us regarding that. And it was at some point I felt as if how hard the destiny is, how harsh some. Sometimes it's really tough to face the challenges that destiny imposes on us. It is really, really tough
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:50
So, yeah, this was, this was wonderfully written. And you have just captured the infinity of that grief, that essence of it. Really beautifully so. Yeah. Exceptionally written, ma'am. Keep sharing. Take care
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:33


When I look back, I feel that, yeah, probably that is why think I was able to convey it in those few lines, what I was feeling. So thank you so much. Thank you so much for your feedback and your support. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:36


Thank you so much. Gauri. Thank you for your feedback. Yes, you're so right that the destiny and life can be really very harsh and tough for us. And this incident was one of those. And especially when I had missed it, I was very young, so it really left me shaken. Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a lovely evening. Bye
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:36
So it transports you back to this point, this point in time, where this event takes place. And you have described it in such vivid imagery and details. That you can actually feel the emotions or the sensation or to actually see it or visualize what's happening here. And the second one is, of course, the meaning. There's so many depths of meaning that I was getting throughout the poem
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:52


Thank you Candy, for your feedback. Candy, thank you for stopping by and sharing your views. Candy, your review in such detail about the poem and it really makes me. It really touched my heart because you took so much time to go in depth into analyzing the way it has been written and how the impact has been created. And thank you so much for doing that. And all of a sudden it made me feel that I had probably created something good
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

So, yeah, keep writing. And I didn't know you had a book where you have poems, an anthology of poems there. So glad that I'm talking to you. And we are in discussion over so many of our creative thoughts. So, yeah, looking forward to many more of your poems. Take care and keep writing. Bye
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:52


I think we'll keep sharing and keep listening to each other's podcasts and see how much more we can create with our shared knowledge. Thank you so much. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:34
Hi, Ranjana. Kamo. I didn't know you were doing all these poems. Because I am kind of used to a different kind of content from your end. But wonderful seeing you try out something new. And I just hope all the very best for you do even more such wells and I hope to see you in the next. Well, it's really good. I really like the poem. Thank you so much
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:09


Thank you, Nisha. I'm so glad that you liked this poem and that you took the time to share your views. Have a lovely day. Bye
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:10
Thank you everyone for giving your love and time to this poem. Thank you so much, all of