"Frost" - Poetry 11/2/23

Frost. Frost slowly, oh, so slowly, almost imperceptible. It crystallizes covering the glass where there was sight now it's like a veil light may pass through and diamonds twinkle before your sight but they are only ice now the world's obscure. I can't see where to go. It reaches for me too, but brings no beauty. Even my life's breath causes it to grow. No, no warmth is left inside. And so they'll find me here, as frozen as a stone

#poetryfromsilence #poetry #poem #writing #writer #frost #cold #autumn #winter #sadness #frozen #nature #november

Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 0:35


You. I don't know why, but I rather enjoy the darkness and sadness of this poem. And it also reminds me of sometimes I'm an ice queen and I shut off my emotions and put them in a box. Compartmentalize them if you must, and that's it feels like or when I isolate and solitude is my vice. So thank you for sharing this beautiful piece. Bye