Good news for stray Dogs.

hi? sellpablilatwas? not velingvelfact to ay? lso? not? feeling? well? but i to? that? this is something topic? where i? should speak? and discus? by? vewsofthesame? chahoge? log? से रौशनी? डाले? जरूर बताए की आप क्या सोचते हैं? सो? आप देख सकते हैं कि यहाँ पर जो वोबाइघोडहैउसने रिजली अदालत है। उसने बोला है कि जो स्ट्रेट डॉग्स है उनको टॉर्चर बड़ा किया जाए। और जो स्ट्रेट डॉग्स है उनको मेरे खयाल से रिस्पेक्ट मिलना। बहुत जरुरी है। यू नो? हमारे गलियो?

#ShareACause #causeforstraydogs #bombayhighcourt #news

Aayan B
@aayanisms · 5:00

Balance and responsibility is key :

the need? is? to get them? vaccinated? for? the need? is to take? are of the poop? what the needs? to take? are? of? mentaining? hiden? and cleninesand? keep? the dog? well? just? doing? a pecmelservice? is? very? hepocitical? in nature? in? my opinion? additionally? one? if you take care of one? the other state? dogs? in the naborhod? also? will? join? in? and son? before you? realize?