What’s a good tv show to binge watch during finals week?

Hello. Swell. So I just wanted to come on here today just to ask for some recommendations on a TV show that I should binge watch. I know that this is finals week for me and for many students. And I don't don't really want to be sitting all day staring at my computer because I know that's important to just take breaks. So I'm trying to find a good TV show to watch during these breaks

#finalsweek #bingewatch #tvshows

Jada Jinks
@JadaSimone · 0:47
Hi Fiona. One TV show that I would definitely recommend that you watch, especially since I know that you like horror movies and you like thrillers and stuff like that. It is killing Eve on Hulu and it's about this woman named Eve who's trying to track down an assassin and her and the assassin keep on melding and meeting each other and eventually form some sort of sick and twisted relationship. It's actually a really good series. It's got drama hooks
grace pouri
@gracepouri · 0:35
Hey, so a show I would recommend, honestly, that I feel like it's personally, I feel like at least is very underrated is white collar. It is like a law like case solving show. But there's a lot more to it. There's a lot lot of like, not drama, but drama at the same time. And it's very interesting show to me. I loved it. I rewatched it many times