Let’s Talk - Graduating to a Full Length Podcast

But with a podcast, I don't want to say educational, but I want it to be meaningful. I want it to come from a place where I'm genuinely sitting down and having good conversations with people about things that matter, without being political, without being know, I don't know, triggering. I want to have fun with it, and I don't know where to begin

#discussion #advice #podcast #new #fun #entertaining #creativity #letstalk #swell #create #talk #dialogue #franklin #findsout

Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:23
But I find that these days people don't really love to read on social media, so you really have to find those right followers that are really interested in reading things that tend to go longer. And I think people can keep their attention for longer periods with voice. So that's one reason I like swell. I think Instagram is kind of the same, and I don't think that Instagram allows for really good dialogue and really good conversations on topics. I don't do TikTok
Franklin Finds Out
@FFO · 4:59


But one thing he did point out, and he actually did start a social media platform, is that on those kinds of platforms, people tend to post non meaningful things and it tends to just be like, oh, I got food today. Okay, cool. But how does that contribute to conversation? You know what I mean? So being able to have an outlet to actually have conversations and not just posting exclusively mundane things, that's what I'm looking for
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Franklin Finds Out
@FFO · 4:23


So it's kind of like yes, I do go through phases of where I really need to recharge my social battery, but I do also have to recharge my need for having that social outlet too. And this is something I'm going to talk about later, is being in your adult life and having to start over with making new friendships and things like that and how difficult it can be
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:03


And the problem is that sometimes that can make it difficult to talk to the majority, which is neurotypical, because they'll say something and then we're listening. They tend to think we're not, hence the label ADHD. No, we're listening. But then our brains kind of go off in a different direction for a minute because we make a connection to what they're saying in some different way. And we need to store that connection