Doug Brake
@f.d.brake · 2:37


Cliques, tribes, gangs, alliances that are like us. We huddle together to protect ourselves from those who are unlike us. By separation, we pull apart the very core of our security with our insecurity, mistrust, suspicion. We turn on each other because of the irrational fears that have been planted deep in our heads and hearts. We have to do to them before they do to us. This is not who we are. Or this is not who we were meant to be
Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 3:05
But it is difficult to find people that are good to connect with because not a lot of people are good to connect with. And it's just difficult. It's a difficult world we're living in today. Yeah. We separate each other because a lot of reasons that you said, and it's unhealthy, it's not healthy for us as human beings to live separated. It will be a better place if we all was able to connect and help and build on one another
Lolita Eaddy
@Woodiemountain · 0:14
Hi. Hello, Doug. I really like this. Well, thanks for inviting me. I appreciate