Poetree Rootz
@eZH23 · 1:37

#TellYourStory | An experience with nature that taught me an important lesson...

But that's a different story for a different time. But long story short, I was out in nature, just going for a walk, clearing my mind, just looking around. And I noticed how the river was moving, how it was just gently moving. It wasn't rushing to get anywhere. I was just going at a steady pace

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Mar3 @wordsmith

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:46
The river that I had a conversation with was telling me that. Or, I guess, explaining to me how that river had flowed at that pace that you beautifully broke down. I hadn't thought of that. The natural pace of life. It flowed at that natural pace of life for many, many years before me. And that it would flow at that natural pace of life for many, many years after me. And it almost solidified the temporal nature of being alive
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:11
Hello. Thank you so much for responding to my prompt. Loved listening to your insights and looking forward to hearing the poem. Thank you