Eric Owens
@EricGĀ Ā·Ā 4:56

Eunice Lake Mt. Rainier National Park

And while I was working there, I did a hike in Mountaineer National Park. And I want to share this with you. I only have 5 minutes, so I have to try and get as much into this as I can for you. Really tough to do in just 5 minutes. So I want to hike to a place called Unit Lake. Now, Unit Lake in Mount Reinter National Park is on the west side of the park

#Mr Rainier #mountains #voices #spotlight

Eric Owens
@EricGĀ Ā·Ā 4:56

#Mt Rainier #mountains #nature #voices #spotlight

I'd stop and eat some. And anytime I hike, when I'm out there, I'll hike for a little bit and I'll stop and then I'll breathe the clean air. I'll just breathe it in into my lungs and I'll exhale and I'll just take in the moment and truly appreciate where I am. I'm just that kind of a person. I'm just that way
Ty Dobbs
@dobbstyĀ Ā·Ā 1:25
The hike sounds incredible. Thank you for sharing that story. I've been to Mount Rainier a handful of times, never that late in the season, so I haven't had the freedom to truly explore the entirety of the park. But your story definitely makes me want to check it out. So thanks for sharing the details and see it sounds like a really nice, somewhat challenging but a good way to spend a day hike
Eric Owens
@EricGĀ Ā·Ā 2:06


I've had over 4000 photographs over the years. And of course there's only maybe 100 that would be considered good enough for something outside of a snapshot or a decent shot. Only if you actually make the grade, as most photographers would say. So we can take off your man. I got stuff to do. I hope you have a good day. Just leave me a reply and let me know what your first name is